Mudanças no DotA 6.60 - Beta Leak

Olá a todos,

nosso amigo Mena se infiltrou na casa do IceFrog, para ficar sabendo das mais novas novidades desconhecidas até então que são recentes

olha só que interessanti :

Replace all the heroes tavern into top left of the map
Now there's 9 tavern:
Sentinel Strength Tavern, Sentinel Agility Tavern, Sentinel Intelligence Tavern
Neutrals Strength Tavern, Neutrals Agility Tavern, Neutrals Intelligence Tavern
Scourge Strength Tavern, Scourge Agility Tavern, Scourge Intelligence Tavern
Neutrals Hero can be picked by either Scourge or Sentinel
Add Tauren Chieftain to Sentinel Strength Tavern
Add Bat Rider to Neutrals Intelligence Tavern
Hero changes on Razor and Viper
Viper 2nd skill was remade
There are 2 new item.
One item is the upgrade item from magic stick + 2 x gg brach = Magic Wand



então vai fazer inglês, poem no google, se vira

e a todos, olá